Tuesday, September 27, 2011

That's When You Find Yourself

Most girls have the entire lives planned out before they enter the first grade:
1. When I am 16, I will marry Prince Charming
2. My wedding will be in June. My colors will be pink and green, and my dress will look like Ariel’s (The Little Mermaid).
You get the picture. Maybe your life plan doesn’t start like this, but we all (boys, included!) plan our lives somehow.
For me, I wanted to study political science and journalism. My college summers were to be filled with internships with the top dogs (talk shows, news stations, state representatives). I wanted to marry right out of college, live in a big city (Chicago, NYC, DC), and get a job that was important and paid big money.
What happened?
I didn’t get in a car crash and travel to Heaven and back. I didn’t get visited by three spirits.
But some things did happen that changed what I thought about life. It was a kind of identity crisis.
Shortly, I am none of those things that I mentioned before. And sometimes I look back at my dreams for myself and I wish I had done it. I wish I were a fast-talking political pundit. I wish I lived in a chic condo in the big city, making a seven-digit salary. I wish I were married; that somebody would choose to intimately love me.
Right now:
! Job  I am a product of our recession—I’m underemployed, and frustrated in looking for full-time work. I want so badly to support myself, and to stand up on my own two feet.
! Relationship  I’ve never had a close friendship, and am not willing to enter a romantic relationship yet.
! Time  Because I don’t have a full-time job (nor much money to spend!), I have lots of time. I often feel like I’m wasting it because I’m not crazily busy. I’ve grown to love sewing, cross-stitching, audio books, reading , and playing piano.
So all this put together makes me feel like my life is a waste. “Is this my life? This isn’t what I planned. It shouldn’t be like this!”
And then I think, “but is it bad?”  What do you think?
Right now:
! Job  I love being a teacher. I love my four-year-olds. Who else could make me "swim" like a fish down a school hallway, or find me captivated while watching Pooh Bear's Great Adventure, or exuding more patience than an ant moving Mount Everest? When I am with them, I know I can change lives. I love the people I work with. They change me, too, for good; they are concerned about me. And, I love them, too.
! Relationship  Like I just said, I have my kids. I have my co-workers. Actually, I hate calling them co-workers. Some of them have become like a mother to me. Thank you. Also, my family will always be my family. My dad is one of the kindest, most patient people I know. Above all, I've learned that my God loves me and directs my steps. Thank you, Abba.
! Time  Is this a blessing? I’ve made a few crafty things, and enjoyed it. I’ve listened to some inspiring audiobooks, and read some quality literary works. I’ve even taken up piano again. Is it wrong to do this? I don’t believe so. I believe it is a gift.
Maybe these are “blessings in disguise.” No, it isn’t what I planned, but. . .
“When we go through life
So sure of where we're heading
And we wind up lost and it's
The best thing that could have happened
‘Cause sometimes when you lose your way it's really just as well
Because you find yourself
Yeah, that's when you find yourself.”

Yes, I'm happy. I'm blessed, whether I feel like it or not. Thank you, Lord, for being so good to me.
So good ahead and color your life. Be content. Grow where you are planted.


  1. Thanks for sharing yourself here Christa.

    As far as jobs go, it is never too late to go back to school and focus on what you know you will enjoy and be most effective in this system.

    I like you, work part-time and have LOTS of time 'to kill' LOL, and I see that watching DVD's can only take me so far...I could pick up a few hobbies like what you have been doing :) Plus, I would like to go to graduate school but I am not confident as to what I want to dedicate 2-3 years of my life mastering (cause that is a huge decision)!

    As for relationships, we all have been brought up in a society that tells us what we have to do, and if we don't follow what society tells us what to do we get criticized and may feel uncomfortable. So with marriage and relationships: families, friends, the media shows us how things should be and what things should look like and so we end up confused, going through relationships, marriages, divorces, miserable because we weren't understanding ourselves and being in flow with Life.

    When I had my first serious relationship, a lot of points came up for me dealing with relationships, intimacy, comfort ability, communication. In the end I realized I am not ready for a relationship, and along the way I learned that I need to take things very slow for myself and get to know ME and love ME first before I end up in an intimate relationship. I find it's best to just stop searching and wondering about who this person will be, in time they will show up :)

    Try saying this daily, during random parts of your day:
    "I love me"
    "I accept myself"
    "I release all worries that I have about the future."

    And you can add your own :)

  2. Thanks so much, Michelle! Everything you say is right, and I need to hear it over and over again so I keep doing the right things. Thanks for being encouraging. Good luck to you too!! You're a beautiful girl, and you're going to be fine whether or not somebody "shows up" :) I guess I will be, too ;)
